Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Making music

Mom and baby yoga

This isn't a very good photo, but it's something I do with Leo every week and I wanted to have a record of it. Leo is famous for falling asleep in the middle of class amid crying babies, bright lights and the instructor shouting above it all! Note: I took this after class was over, which is why no one is doing yoga in the photo (it's not cool to whip out your phone in the middle of class).

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Friday, April 20, 2012

Big boy shoes

Leo loves to walk around while holding onto our hands, so we thought it was time for some real shoes!

Trip to school

Leo enjoyed himself much more than he's letting on here...

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

6 month checkup

18 pounds 4 oz, still 75th percentile.
27.5" long - 90th percentile for height. Apparently his huge feet will be helpful when learning to walk! Our little basketball player got two shots too: you can see his stylish band aids below.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Happy half birthday, Leo!

Leo is six months old! As you can see in these photos, he can sit up really well now. Leo's favorite thing to do is sit on the rug and pore through a box of toys, mouthing each one in turn. He focuses on one toy for a long time, turning it over in his hands and examining it. He also loves to stand up, and can almost pull himself up to standing from lying down or seated. He can't stand alone - he either holds on to a piece of furniture or grabs onto our fingers. He can walk pretty well this way too! 

Leo is full-on teething, though it doesn't seem to be causing him a lot of pain. How do we know he's teething? By the prodigious amounts of drool and by the way he pulls our fingers (or chins, or other body parts) into his mouth and gnaws on them. He really likes to gnaw in the back left, which confuses me - is he getting molars? So far, no teeth look even close to appearing. Leo has rolled over in both directions, but he performs this feat very rarely. He much prefers to grab for toys from a seated position. 

Leo started eating solid food about ten days ago and so far he has liked everything except for bananas. We've only tried relatively sweet things, so we'll see how he likes things like carrots, yogurt and kale (not together!) soon. I've got some fresh mango that I really hope he likes as much as I do.

Leo is a happy kid. He loves to coo and grin at strangers when we are in the park or at the store. But nothing compares to the way that Leo smiles and giggles when Derek gets home from work every night. I'm pretty sure that moment makes both of their days.