Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Belly button exploration

Isabel likes finding belly buttons, even if they aren't hers. Leo showed his appreciation with kisses. These photos are going to embarrass the heck out of both of them some day!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Leo is one!!!! (belated)

Leo is one year old! I can't believe it. Both Derek and I keep remembering where we were at this time last year, and it seems crazy. On October 15th, the day before his birthday, Derek reminded me that last year we were eating takeout Thai food and trying to focus on a stupid funny movie on our laptop while I was in early labor in the hospital. We ordered Thai again this year! 

Giving birth to Leo was the most powerful moment of my life so far. For both Derek and me, our lives have certainly changed forever. We see less of certain friends, more of others. We stay in more nights, watch more tv, have more quiet time.  We dance like buffoons in our living room daily. We smile and laugh more.  We worry more. We try to Do The Right Thing more. We really appreciate our alone time, both alone together and alone separately.

Leo is a walking, babbling, rolling, giggling, eating, nursing (still) little guy. He has lost a lot of his baby fat and he's definitely a toddler. He only gained 8 oz in the last 3 months, due to him going from 0 to 60 in terms of mobility. Leo is still 90th percentile for height though! He recently started drinking cow's milk, which he seems to enjoy, and it has done wonders for his digestion too! He still loves to eat almost all foods: mushrooms, stonefruit, cheese, tofu, and grapes are some of his favorites. He also loved the cupcakes I made for him on his birthday (not surprising)!

Leo has 3.5 teeth. The last 1.5 have caused him weeks of interrupted sleep and crankiness. We are going to try an amber teething necklace because why not? If it causes him less pain (and it probably cost less than all the Motrin we've bought), then it's worth it. 

Tara took these great shots of Leo which show two sides of his personality!

Pumpkin carving

It was super hot out today, but we pretended it was Fall anyway. Leo liked the way his voice echoed inside the carved pumpkin when he put his face all the way in.

Halloween costume, take one.

He was supposed to be a ninja turtle but he wouldn't wear the mask. Claire went as a ladybug.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Making a mess.

Art projects and lunch call for being as naked as possible! Tara helped them color a paper plate in the shape of a pumpkin - Leo's first masterpiece!

Rainy morning, empty park

They are looking at Tara from the swings in the last one.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Big slide, little slide

While he still needs dad's help on the big slide, Leo can finally go down the little slide on his own. I never thought this day would come!