Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Saturday snapshots

Playing in the Leo bag, at the shoe store (which did NOT go well), and dressed up for the park.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Sunday, January 13, 2013


In the owl cave

Great Blue Heron

Waving to the otters

Playful otter swims by

Pushing the button (I have no idea what it did)


Ball on a track (Leo was obsessed)

View north over the bay to SF
This video gives you an idea about how excited Leo was about everything! He is in a little geodesic dome at the start. And he did succeed in climbing up at the end.

From Tara this week

Hugs on the first day back after a 2 week break.

Tara teaches them how to be proper!
Milk break! (I think Leo looks likes a little old man!)
Leo's new friend Margot (another older woman)

Isabel taught Leo how to go down on his belly.
Trying to climb back up.
Independent reading time

Trying really hard to play the harmonica

I love Leo's post-lunch belly in this shot!
Proving that he eats broccoli (just not for me).

A rare Tara shot!