Friday, May 31, 2013

More silliness

Totally silly

Next time you see Leo, ask him to tell you the story about when he dropped an O in Tara's coffee. He loses it every time!

At Camp!

My whole school goes to ymca camp for 3 days every year. I brought Leo, who, despite not sleeping well, had a great time! As you can see from these shots, there a bunch of other faculty kids there (although Leo was the youngest).

eating lunch with some of my students

playing with one of many sticks

I love Leo's stance in this shot.

playing ball with Sam

"Leo climb." He'll get the commands straight soon enough.

"outside" in "Isabel's chair" - the balcony of our cabin

matching shirts with 4 year old Devin

"daddy see!" - showing off the red marker he scribbled on his face while playing with some big kids (ages 4 and 5)

hanging out at the ropes course - Leo loved to cheer the kids on and run up and high five or hug them after they finished.

pausing for an applesauce snack

jamming with Nate

getting a little help from Phil