Wednesday, July 31, 2013

"Leo drink it"

A must while eating his breakfast. He gets this from watching us!


Leo and Eve

Beach day (finally)

The clouds parted and it was a perfect beach day on our last day in Maine. Leo loved having so much open space to run around and splash in the shallow water, jump the little waves, and play around the rocks at the edge of the beach.

Leo's camerawork

Leo took this photo. It captures a lot of what we did in Maine - snuggles and "mommy hugs."

Children's Museum of NH

Just one of many rainy day activities during our week in Maine.
giant crab near the entrance

in the submarine

more trains!

loving a stuffed beaver

river exhibit

trying to play all of the drums at once

race cars!

a fan that's ok to stick your fingers into

archeological dig

putting on gear for the dig (or rather allowing me to put it on him for a photo)

Green stripes

All of the cousins were inadvertently color coordinated!
Here's what happened when I asked Leo if he wanted to hold baby Micah:

Eventually he got the idea: