Friday, September 27, 2013

Sick kid

Leo had a fever last night and today, so he had to stay home from school. Aside from not napping, you'd never know he was feeling sick! We had lots of adventures:
He put on the hat by himself. Pretty cute!
A "bike ride". Aka being pushed on his trike.
We ran into Micah and Jonah at the park down the street! Leo and Micah got such a kick out of each other.
After the lack of nap, we walked downtown and got supplies for Leo's new easel. Then we got some froyo! Here's Leo trying out painting with water colors in a smock made out of an old t shirt. He was a big fan of mixing water with paint, less so of the actual putting brush to paper.

Wildlife sighting in downtown Arlington

A bunny!


Leo loves being outside, especially helping us rake and weed and water the plants in our yard. Let's hope the novelty never wears off!
He was saying "twist twist" as he weeded.


It was Leo's idea to lie down.
The ridiculous photo on the side of our ridiculously huge moving truck.

Like Papa, like grandson

Same outfit!

Friday, September 20, 2013

First day of preschool

Leo is going to Arlington Heights Nursery School 3 days a week. This little guy was so excited for school! He has had so many transitions in the past week and he's been a great sport about it all. We are unbelievably proud of him!!

On the phone with Isabel

It's not the same, but it'll have to do.

New playground

Just 3 doors down from our house! The first two times we went there, we were the only ones speaking English. We heard Chinese, Russian, and French being spoken, all by grandparents to  little babies. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

Moving in

We arrived at our new house on Saturday. We were so lucky to have Derek's sister Sarah and mom deck out the house with the essentials! 
Leo is not sure what to make of this big empty house, but he loves going outside and playing with rocks and in the grass.
Toasting with grape juice!
He isn't ready to sleep on his own yet. The aerobed has been a bit crowded!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Yosemite: bike ride to Mirror Lake

New things Leo learned on this trip: the sound of crickets at night, digging in the dirt with sticks is awesome and very entertaining, squirrels are silly and will try to steal your cookies. Our city kid really took to the great outdoors! Also: the photos in these posts were taken with our good camera so you can click and scroll through to see a higher-res version if you like (but there are no captions).

playing in the hammock at the Yosemite Bug (where we stayed)

being silly in the sand at Mirror Lake (now dry)

Mirror Lake with Half Dome looming overhead

getting tall

bike trailer!

beach cruiser!

Yosemite: Merced River

hanging out in the "adventure house"

walking to Sentinel Beach


a quick hug in the water

strolling along

getting more naked

naked baby in the river!

another spot along the river

checking out El Capitan from the river


deer sighting!

explaining to Leo that he can't run and play with the deer

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Yosemite: Bridalveil and Vernal Falls

"I'm running!"

"Leo sleep on rock."

Little climber.

Checking out Bridalveil Falls
Looking at the Merced River at the start of the Mist Trail

Can you see Vernal Fall in the background between the trees?

Sharing an apple and trying not to get attacked by squirrels.

At the start of the stairs!

Partway up the stairs

Vernal Fall

Appropriate moss graffiti.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


I have a distinct memory of movers coming when I was Leo's age; I wonder if he'll have the same.
Unprompted sad face: