Sunday, October 20, 2013

Leo's birthday party

Train cars waiting for little conductors
Train cake!
Leo digging into the food before the guests arrive
birthday banner
Carol in the "comfy" living room
the playroom in action!
little conductors pausing for a photo
Leo multitasking
more little conductors!
me with the cake that Derek made!
three generations in the sunroom
lighting the candles...
Leo is an expert at blowing them out!
kids and Nana Ev enjoy cake
Beatrice and Micah
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Pumpkin Fest in Keene

In front of themain pumpkin display (note my t-shirt  - it was so nice out!) 
Cousins in costumes - Leo is a lion (as were his cousins before him when they were 2)
the lion drinks cider!
happy Leo the lion (the costume is a bit short in the legs)
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Leo's birthday!

We had quite an adventure! First we took the "subway train" into Boston, then walked to the aquarium to see the fish. After his nap Leo opened his birthday present - a train table complete with his own subway train to play with! He's been running to the playroom ever since. Click on photos for the higher-res images (but alas, no captions).
On the "subway train" - red line to Downtown Crossing
Watching the pengiuns being fed  
Tidepools - touching is encouraged!
Being a goofball 
Close encounter with a turtle
Opening his birthday present 
Leo is excited to play!
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