Saturday, November 23, 2013


Science Museum

Found these pics on our "good" camera from when Derek took Leo to the science museum. (Obviously pre-haircut!)
Making a carbon molecule.

This was Leo's favorite thing to do at the museum - listen to information on the little phones stationed at each exhibit.
Pressing lots of buttons - hooray!
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Friday, November 15, 2013

Leo's stack

Pretty advanced balancing techniques if you ask me! It was Leo's idea to use the cup as another flat surface on top of the little sailor man.


Monday, November 11, 2013


Leo loves taking care of his baby doll and he loved seeing tiny baby Meghana today too. He gave her lots of gentle kisses on top of her head.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Froyo with Caitlin

Leo and I have a weekly ritual of getting froyo after I pick him up from daycare on Thursdays. The guy who works there loves Leo and always gives him a little prize or a balloon! My friend Caitlin was visiting and she came with us this week.

Sunday morning

Leo was so excited to watch Derek arrive in a taxi at 6:45 this morning. It's nice to be back together as a family.

Busy in the bath

Leo has started to like the bath more, as long as we don't try to wash his hair!