Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Trying to capture Sebastian smiling and laughing at Leo.

Crazy Leo the chatterbox

This gives you a window into what most of our time with Leo is like. I feel like he gets so quiet when other people are around, but when it's just us he talks up a storm! Clearly, his brother is unfazed.

Monday, February 17, 2014


We needed to get Leo out of the house for some exercise, so we went to the bike path. Once we turned around to walk home, we realized there was a vicious cold headwind! It was so cold Derek had to run home to get the car while we waited inside Stop and Shop.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Super smiley

Lunch at Otto, auntie Meg's restaurant

Sebastian is two months old!

Sebastian is two months old and the smiles have started to come like crazy! He weighed 12 lbs 15 oz at his doctor's appointment on Friday, which is 66th percentile. He's 80th percentile for head size and length! It is amazing to see how much more awake Sebastian has become in the past few weeks. He follows us with his eyes when we walk into the room and he stares at us when we get close! He really appears to be studying the world around him. So far, he is a chill little guy.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Warm winter weekend


Smiley dream

Still mostly smiling in his sleep, though I have gotten a few precious wide mouthed grins while Sebastian was awake recently.

Under the play gym

I couldn't choose a favorite photo among these - Leo is such a ham!

Daycare pics from December and January

Leo's favorite toy - a nail gun!

Finally doing an art project! (Leo always chooses to build rather than do art)

"Fixing" the classroom

Leo and Isabella rock the boat!