Thursday, April 24, 2014

Rolling over

I caught Seb's first back to tummy roll on tape! He has covertly done it several times since - I keep leaving him on his back on the floor only to return to find him on his tummy!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Keeping warm

Happy half birthday to Leo!

We rode the bus!
Snackin' on the bus
A cupcake at Quebrada (Leo has frosting on his teeth so he looks like a vampire).
The gang at Quebrada (Seb is napping)

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Happy birthday, Daddy!


Leo had pinkeye on Friday so we kept him home from school. He was a champ at the doctor's office and was in good spirits otherwise. Here he is at the park "swinging like crazy:"
"Making music"

Early spring tea party

Sebastian is four months old!

Sebastian is four months old! He is still a super sleep guy, sleeping for about 17 hours a day (12 at night and 5+ in four naps). He naps in the swing mostly, but his favorite place to nap (where he's sleeping right now) is in the wrap while Derek or I wear him. Sebastian graduated from the co-sleeper earlier this month - he was too long! He is currently sleeping in a pack and play on the higher setting in our room. He spends the second half of the night in our bed after he nurses. I love snuggling with him! He slept through the night (from 6 pm to 6 am) once, and has gotten close a few other times.

When he is awake, he loves to "work out" in his activity gym, batting at toys, rolling onto his side to reach farther away things, and kicking his legs like crazy! He can roll from his tummy to his back, but hasn't gone the other way yet. He is getting very good at tummy time and can hang out for quite awhile looking around (unless he decides to roll over). He also loves to stand holding onto our ottoman or someone's fingers. He looks so alert and curious when he does that! He doesn't seem too keen on sitting on his own yet - he doesn't really fit in the Bumbo - his diapers are too big! He likes to sit on my lap and observe Leo doing silly stuff.

Sebastian loves to smile and laugh when someone engages with him. He also is a drooling champ - he often looks like he's foaming at the mouth! He loves when we sing him songs and tickle him. Leo loves to sing to Sebastian to help calm him down if he's fussy - it's so sweet!