Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Upward bound

I took this video on Monday and since then, Sebastian has graduated from pulling himself up on things with a lip to pulling himself up on anything: doors, walls, precarious toys, you name it! The milestones are coming fast and furious!

First day of Preschool?

Imagine my sadness/anger when we realized once Leo was in his classroom that half day kids don't start until next week. Thanks for no notice on this! Alas, my 
only opportunity to drop off Leo at preschool has passed.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


I love Sebastian's admiring gaze and Leo's antics in these photos.


Leo was a champ through the whole haircut - such a big kid! He kept saying "I'm a grown-up!" Leo was hell-bent on getting a blueberry lollipop as a reward - what a mess!

Last day as Caterpillars

Leo and Tyler celebrated their last day in the Caterpillar Room with ice cream at Brighams afterwards, complete with a full-on balloon fight!


Monday, September 1, 2014

From Rebecca the past week

Party hats and pizzas for the zoo
Pressing the button at the spray park
Happy Seb
Reading Faulkner
Seb wants to read too!