Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Tons of videos!

Blogger doesn't allow video posts from the phone, so I have to upload the video to youtube on my phone, then go onto my computer to post. Which means I never do it! Here's a boatload of videos from the last 3 months. Note there's snow on the ground in the first few!

One of the first times Seb went down the slide on his own - you'll see he has no fear!

Seb's full-on yogurt eating experience - happens every night (these days he's even more verbal about it, requesting "ga-ga" - yogurt - about 30 seconds into dinner):

Dancing to Oh Suzanna, one of their favorite songs (90's techno version only). Notice how Seb is mimicking Leo!

Sebastian taking off his shirt (Leo can't even do this yet)! Warning extremely screechy at the beginning, followed by extremely cute.

Slo-mo in-the-face (Derek's ace camera skills):

Seb singing E-I-E-I-O (he started doing it because the book he's holding is an Old MacDonald finger puppet book:

The race that inspired the awesome photo - Jonah and Leo getting out some steam in front of the cousins' apartment in NY:

Leo learning to scoot. I need to get a new movie of him because he is so fast now!

Sebastian rolling (homemade) play-doh with Rebecca:

Ice cream insanity - this goes on for a while but it allows you to see their interactions and just general silliness of their personalities (and what one of them does when the other one gets my attention). Don't ask why Leo is wearing a helmet!

Big jump at Cambridge Common. Leo loves jumping like this of late:

Outside playing together at Nama and Papa's:

The tables have turned:

Singing together:

Leo going down the big slide at Robbins Farm:

How Leo and Seb say please: