Friday, March 16, 2012

Leo is Five Months Old!

Leo is five months old! His physical developments have been coming fast and furious, especially in the past week. Leo loves to stand up. He can stand unsupported but needs spotting for balance. He can almost sit up on his own, and sits for about ten seconds and can reach forward and grab toys from out in front of him (I never appreciated how much muscle coordination that takes until I watched him try it over and over). He can grab his feet and, as of a few days ago, he can roll over from his tummy to his back. However, when put on his tummy, he usually just kicks furiously, holds his head up for a few seconds, and gets frustrated and starts to cry.

Last month I wrote that Leo started to laugh but now his laughs are full-on giggles. He is a really smiley guy, though it's hard to capture in pictures. He also loves to babble, blow raspberries, and respond to us when we talk. When I put him on my lap to read him a book, Leo paws at the pages and talks along with me. When he is in my arms, he looks out at the world with wide eyes and a half-open mouth. He really seems to be taking it all in! He is a sweet, good-natured boy and we feel so lucky to have such a great, happy, physical baby. 

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