Thursday, August 30, 2012

So many toys...

...and all are potential musical instruments! Leo has turned those stacking blocks into drums and the weebles into shakers. Also, you can't tell from this pic, but we have a sick kid on our hands. Leo got a tummy bug right in time for my first day of school! He's been feverish, fussy and sleepless for the last 2 days. It's supposed to last 3 days, so we hope he'll be better soon.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A brief pause...

Here is Leo in a brief moment of stillness at the park. He loves to walk around and look at the kids and plants more than he likes playing on the equipment!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Ball party

When Derek and I went to visit little Isaac when he lived in Seattle, we bought him a birthday present which we nicknamed Ball Party. (This was back when Isaac had one word in his vocabulary, and it was "Ba.") I think we liked the game more than he did. So of course, I couldn't resist getting a similar toy for Leo. The good news is, Leo likes it too!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

A day with Dad

Derek stayed home from work today to take care of Leo since Tara and Isabel and her family are on vacation.

Visiting Derek's work:

Tired after a day with Dad (Leo hasn't slept on me in months!):

Monday, August 20, 2012


For some reason, Leo thinks it's hilarious when he puts his fingers in our mouths. This video is actually just a fraction of how hard he was laughing!

In the pack and play and at the park

Leo is trying to show Isabel that it's okay to nap at our house. And this was their first outing - looks like they had fun!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Leo is Ten Months Old!

Leo is ten months old and walking like crazy! He has gotten really sturdy and confident this past week. Of course, the addition of the crawling and hugging Isabel underfoot has proven to be a challenge, but he will overcome! His favorite thing is to do laps around our house. Over the past month, we have watched him go from: staggering between two people, to staggering from a piece of furniture to one of us, to staggering between two pieces of furniture, to finally walking around the house, complete with turns and steadying himself. It's amazing, but he still can't get himself up to standing, so we are still largely in control of his mobility. However, we are not in control of how much he squawks until we help him stand up!

Leo also has two bottom teeth! I tried to get a photo of them, but he likes to close his mouth and drool madly instead. Lucky for us, the teeth emerged with little complaint from Leo.

Leo also started sleeping through the night. He couldn't have better timing as I start work next week!

The only way I could get Leo to sit still for his photo shoot was to give him two cymbals - he loves to clang them together and make music! He also loves to dance, but Isabel is truly the queen of the dance floor, with enviable moves.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Introducing Tara and Isabel!

Today Leo started with his nanny Tara! She is so warm and friendly he started the day by walking up to her and giving her a hug and a snuggle! Isabel is the other baby in our share care. She is a month older so she has a lot to teach Leo.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Mom's group in the park

Even though it's called a mom's group, there were just as many dads there! It is definitely getting harder to get them all to sit still in one place in order to get a photo. So far Leo and Takeo (in the Superman shirt) are the walkers.

Walking for real!

Stopping to smell the flowers (or stroke the plants)

Friday, August 10, 2012

Last weekday play date with Mr T

Tristan turned 1 on July 26! His mom Emma and I work at the same school and we have both been in maternity leave for the year. It's back to reality for us both on August 20th!

New sweater

I love Leo's look of concentration here as he starts to walk around the playground.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Last weekday play date with Claire

Next week Leo starts his nanny share with baby Isabel. He is going to miss Claire! And I am going to miss leisurely
weekly meetups with her mom Robin.