Monday, March 31, 2014

Children's Museum

Trying to pick up as many balls as possible
Budding physicist...
...or construction worker
Driving an airplane

Ready to splash

Sunday, March 23, 2014

More Leo quotes

[shaking head back and forth]: When I move my head like this I make the house dance!
Leo: Mommy, do the birds sleep in the tree?
Me: Yes.
Leo: Where is their pillow pet?
Me: They don't use a pillow pet.
Leo: They just sleep on the branch?

Sunday, March 16, 2014


It was finally warm enough to take the scooter out on the bike path!

Crazy cousins

Leo has been asking to go back to his cousins' house to "play Kangaroo" ever since they introduced him to this game on Thursday night. Gives you a window into how crazy these dinners are, though here they were actually all getting along!

Friday, March 14, 2014


At the request of Nama, here are some of the funny things Leo has said recently:

[upon eating carrots with fresh dill]: "It's too grassy."
"Why the moon is up when the sun is out? It's supposed to be dark out!"
Me: What did you like about the park?
Leo: I didn't like the pigeons.
Leo: I have a baby in my belly.
Me: How many?
Leo: Just one. I will go to hospital and they will give him a bath and then he will come out and I will feed him when he cries.
Me: See over there? The sky is pink.
Leo: Which guy? [pointing to himself] This guy?
[while waiting for the subway in San Francisco]: The wind is blowing my hair. [Pauses.] I like it.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Singing in San Francisco

Leo and Isabel "playing" twinkle twinkle on the keyboard. (Filmed from behind because they were shy.)
Isabel sings to Leo before his nap (made me cry):
Leo sings to Sebastian - totally out of the blue and so sweet.

Saturday, March 8, 2014