Friday, March 14, 2014


At the request of Nama, here are some of the funny things Leo has said recently:

[upon eating carrots with fresh dill]: "It's too grassy."
"Why the moon is up when the sun is out? It's supposed to be dark out!"
Me: What did you like about the park?
Leo: I didn't like the pigeons.
Leo: I have a baby in my belly.
Me: How many?
Leo: Just one. I will go to hospital and they will give him a bath and then he will come out and I will feed him when he cries.
Me: See over there? The sky is pink.
Leo: Which guy? [pointing to himself] This guy?
[while waiting for the subway in San Francisco]: The wind is blowing my hair. [Pauses.] I like it.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! : ) Listening to how a child makes sense of the world is just awesome! Nama
