Thursday, May 8, 2014

Sebastian is five months old!!

Oh man, Sebastian is a charmer. He is so smiley, so perseverant with new tasks, so pleasant and delightful. I am so glad I get to spend so much time with him! 

Seb's latest trick is rolling over. Basically he does this instantly when you lie him down on his back. He is a big fan of tummy time! This is so opposite from Leo, who rolled over once, checked that milestone off the list, then barely did it again (though he likes to roll over with Sebastian now). On the other hand, Leo could sit up on his own by now, but Sebastian has seemed very uncomfortable even trying sitting with help. It's so interesting to watch how they develop differently!

Sebastian also has developed several happy sounds. He does this funny intake of breath that is loud and shows how thrilled he is - always while smiling! Also he likes to shriek with joy.

Oh and for the stats: he's almost 17 pounds which is about 65th percentile for weight. But he's 95th percentile for length - just like his tall parents!

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