Monday, July 7, 2014

Sebastian is seven months old!

I realized that I never did a "Sebastian is six months old" post. I was waiting until his 6 month doctor's appointment to get his stats, but it was a week before his seven month birthday! He was 17 pounds 13 ounces and 28.5 inches long. That's leaner and longer than Leo was.

Sebastian loves to eat - he hasn't met a type of food he didn't like! He has eaten peas, beets, carrots, spinach, avocado, mango, peach, plum, strawberries, blueberries, banana and watermelon. We try a new food just about every day. He makes a hilarious grimace after the first bite, then usually lunges towards the spoon for more. Right now he just eats two small meals a day, usually of one ingredient at a time. He is still nursing like a champ too, about 5 times a day and once or twice overnight.

Sebastian is working on sitting up, and has really gotten stronger in his core over the last couple of weeks. However, he'd far prefer to stand, and when I try to sit him down, he arches his back and tries to stand up immediately! He also loves to crawl around and that's how he spends most of his time. He gets lots of exercise every day moving around! He loves to go after shoes, our feet, and anything his brother happens to be playing with (really I think he just wants to play with Leo)!

Sebastian is taking three naps a day, one long afternoon nap (conveniently right when Leo takes his long nap) and a short morning nap and a short midday nap. I think he'll be ready for two naps soon! He is also ready to move out of our room, though it is going to be hard for me. I love having him nearby! I'll just have to make up for it with more snuggles during the day.


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