Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Mr. Messy

Sebastian prefers to feed himself. Here he is eating O's, sliced blueberries, and avocado and banana in the mesh feeder. I don't know if these capture the quantity of mush all over the place! 

We just realized that Seb is trying to sign that he's all done in this next one: 

Mr. Mobile

Sebastian has made humongous progress in his mobility in the last few days. He can now crawl on all fours (slowly; he still prefers to commando crawl because he's so fast that way!), roll back to sitting from crawling, and pull himself up onto his knees or up to standing using an object. It's so fascinating to watch all of it unfold so quickly! Of course, his sleep is suffering - the poor guy is practicing in his crib at 4 am!

Play date with Isabel

First time in a grocery cart

Sebastian charmed pretty much everyone in the store - he grinned from ear to ear and bounced up and down the whole time!

Working at the library

Play date with Josh

They both decided to wear their hats backwards to the park.

Kimball Farm

Like father, like son

From Rebecca last week

Making "juice":
Two-Man band:
At Spy Pond park:
Sebastian looks like such a little boy to me in this shot!

Homemade pasta with the cousins

Monday, August 11, 2014

Canobie Lake Park with Isabel and the Mercers AND Tara!

Leo had so much fun! There are a lot of photos but I really couldn't choose!
The bubble guns were a huge hit! Isabel's Grammie runs the gift shops; she got them tons of fun stuff!

Weekend with Ed and Rob and their families

We spent the weekend at Lake Winnesquam with Ed and Val and their two sons Tyler (who is in Leo's pre-school class) and Cayden, and Rob (who was in Derek's preschool class at the same school) and Anne and their girls (Molly and Eliza).
at the Pancake House

Lake Winnesquam


trying mini-golf with Leo