Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Sebastian is 8 months old!

Mr Seb turned 8 months on my first day back at work. I think it was a good time to leave him - right before he develops separation anxiety! 

Sebastian is still commando crawling to get around. He spends a lot of time on all fours and has started to go from that position to pulling himself up on furniture, but he usually needs some help. As of last week, he can sit up on his own for long periods of time. Yesterday, he started giving us high fives. And just today I found his first tooth had broken through on the bottom right!

Sebastian still loves any and all food. He pretty much never turns down food, even if he has just nursed. I guess he is a growing guy!

He also loves to sleep. He still takes 3 naps. The first two are short and the last one is anywhere from 1.5 to 2.5 hours long! He is so considerate to take his long nap when Leo does! He sleeps for 12 hours at night, usually with one wake up. 

In short, he is an awesome baby who just keeps getting cuter!

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