Sunday, October 5, 2014

Sebastian is 10 months old!

Sebastian is a happy little 10 month old. He sleeps a ton - about 14 - 15 hours a day! When awake, he is constantly on the move, crawling around and pulling himself up on the nearest object. He can even climb the stairs, which is terrifying! He also has started to put things inside of other things (instead of just pulling everything apart): he likes to put balls down ramps and put together Megablocks. But mostly he loves to play what I call the Sharing Game: he hands you an object over and over with an expression of utter glee on his face.

Sebastian is getting more vocal. He loves to scream and squeal at Leo, and he may have said three words: "ball", "hop" and "mama." They are still pretty unintelligible at this point though. He eats anything and everything, including broccoli (much to Leo's chagrin - he hates the smell)! 

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