Sunday, November 9, 2014

Sebastian is 11 months old!

Sebastian is one month shy of a year old!

He is a happy, babbly, upwardly mobile little guy. He recently started singing and dancing - it's adorable! He is constantly talking - if only we understood what he is saying! We think he says "all done," "mama," "dada," and maybe "hedgehog." Even the way he intones his guttural sounds is so much more expressive!

Sebastian loves to race over and climb the stairs as soon as he hears Leo rouse from his nap. He crawls right into Leo's room and climbs up the crib to reach into his big brother. There is a lot of admiration there! Recently, Sebastian likes to snuggle with all of us, pausing from play to climb up and nuzzle in. It's the best! 

He can crawl super fast, and pull up to standing and stand there without holding on for a while. Lately it seems like he's trying to jump up and down! No steps yet, unless he's holding onto something. He can cruise all over.

Sebastian is starting to understand what we are saying. He knows when I say "no touch" about the radiators and obediently turns away! He likes to throw his food to get a reaction when he is done eating but immediately becomes remorseful when I tell him to stop. 

Sebastian is still nursing, but he loves to eat solid food. He only wants to feed himself, and he literally has never met a food he doesn't like. Just today I realized he can feed himself with a spoon.

Seb also is a champ sleeper. He takes two naps of 45 min - 2+ hours each. Then he sleeps 12 hours a night! 

Just today, Leo commented that Sebastian doesn't seem like a baby anymore. I'm not ready to admit that, but he is becoming astoundingly more interactive with and aware of the world!

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