Thursday, January 26, 2012


Cloth diapers

We finally decided on a brand of cloth diapers to use. For around $350, these will fit Leo all the way through to potty training. We'll save over $1000 over disposables! Plus, these are so cute! (the black ones have physics equations on them!)


Everyone always comments on how long Leo's eyelashes are!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Another walk

This time with a new mom friend and her baby! Note how well my jacket matches the portapotty.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Check out our new running stroller! It's totally awesome. Too bad we can't run with Leo until he's about 6-8 months old.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Happy and sad

This is Leo's "I'm about to cry" pouty face. And the other shot is during a more cheerful moment.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Leo is 3 months old!

Leo has graduated from the "fourth trimester," the term some docs use to refer to the first three months. It's true that Leo was pretty much in his own world for much of that time. He has really woken up to the world over the past month - his smiles are broader, his eyes more curious, and his babbles almost sound like he is carrying on a conversation. Today he imitated my voice for the first time (that I could recognize)! He has started to play with toys, clutching them and waving them around, and he loves to bat at toys that hang over his head (his favorite is Mortimer the Moose that Meghan gave him). Leo definitely recognizes both me and Derek by the sound of our voices as well as by our faces. Leo has also made a lot of progress in sleeping at night - he now sleeps from 8 pm - 5 am regularly (knock on wood), and then snoozes until about 6:30 or 7 am after he wakes up to eat. Though I don't enjoy waking up early, it is so fun to play with him in the early hours of the morning - that's when he is the most smiley and alert!

For reference, I have been taking a photo of Leo in this big white chair each month (the "friends" along the arm keep increasing), and here he looks so big! There are also two photos of a hike we went on today, despite it being a chilly (though sunny) 43 degrees out!

(click on the photos for a larger version)

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With Dr. Christine!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Leo and his "guy"

Leo is really having fun grabbing toys and putting everything in his mouth. Here he is with his "guy," a term coined by his cousin Jonah. Thanks for the toy, Nama!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Out on the town!

At Delfina Pizzeria with Rae. The woman at the next table said "I could eat your baby!" I think that was a compliment?

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Hitting stuff

Leo has discovered that he can hit things with his hands, and it gets him really excited! It's so cool to see how he is waking up to the world around him.

Tuesday morning fun

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Christmas Photos

Here are some photos we took with our "good" camera over the holidays (The best way to view these is to click on the first photo, then scroll through them - that will let you see a bigger version):

multitasking on the plane

with Nana Ev

in the massage chair

with Aunt Sandie
with Uncle Tim, Aunt Sandie and Derek in Boston Public Garden

with Derek's Aunt Linda
with great-Grandpa Djetch
with Mary Ballou
nephews in front of the Christmas tree

Jonah petting Cody

Christmas morning

Leo in his hand-knit Christmas outfit (aka Leo the Christmas elf)
sitting down to Christmas dinner

with Nana Joan

with Uncle Shaun

with my Aunt Debbie and my cousin Emily
with Derek's parents and his mom's side of the family
with great-great-aunt Maisie
with Derek and Emily
goofy faces!
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