Monday, January 16, 2012

Leo is 3 months old!

Leo has graduated from the "fourth trimester," the term some docs use to refer to the first three months. It's true that Leo was pretty much in his own world for much of that time. He has really woken up to the world over the past month - his smiles are broader, his eyes more curious, and his babbles almost sound like he is carrying on a conversation. Today he imitated my voice for the first time (that I could recognize)! He has started to play with toys, clutching them and waving them around, and he loves to bat at toys that hang over his head (his favorite is Mortimer the Moose that Meghan gave him). Leo definitely recognizes both me and Derek by the sound of our voices as well as by our faces. Leo has also made a lot of progress in sleeping at night - he now sleeps from 8 pm - 5 am regularly (knock on wood), and then snoozes until about 6:30 or 7 am after he wakes up to eat. Though I don't enjoy waking up early, it is so fun to play with him in the early hours of the morning - that's when he is the most smiley and alert!

For reference, I have been taking a photo of Leo in this big white chair each month (the "friends" along the arm keep increasing), and here he looks so big! There are also two photos of a hike we went on today, despite it being a chilly (though sunny) 43 degrees out!

(click on the photos for a larger version)

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