Saturday, January 7, 2012

Christmas Photos

Here are some photos we took with our "good" camera over the holidays (The best way to view these is to click on the first photo, then scroll through them - that will let you see a bigger version):

multitasking on the plane

with Nana Ev

in the massage chair

with Aunt Sandie
with Uncle Tim, Aunt Sandie and Derek in Boston Public Garden

with Derek's Aunt Linda
with great-Grandpa Djetch
with Mary Ballou
nephews in front of the Christmas tree

Jonah petting Cody

Christmas morning

Leo in his hand-knit Christmas outfit (aka Leo the Christmas elf)
sitting down to Christmas dinner

with Nana Joan

with Uncle Shaun

with my Aunt Debbie and my cousin Emily
with Derek's parents and his mom's side of the family
with great-great-aunt Maisie
with Derek and Emily
goofy faces!
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