Saturday, June 16, 2012

Leo is Eight Months Old!

Leo is eight months old today! He has yet to really crawl, but he can, with frustration and a lot of effort, plow his way across the floor. He still pretty much hates being on his tummy, though he likes to lunge forward onto his belly from a seated position. He is cruising around furniture, though he is a bit timid unless we are there to help.

Leo has been having some rough nights of teething which means he hasn't been getting the greatest sleep. However, he has been napping like a champ. He takes a 1.5 hour nap in the morning and a 45 min to 1.5 hour nap in the afternoon. Finally!

Leo likes everything we have fed him except carrots. He eats all kinds of fruits, veggies, lentils, and recently chicken. He has just begun to be able to feed himself small bits of food. Though he is still toothless, he can "chew" on blueberries, green beans, and chicken. He was having a really bad time with digestion over the last month, but we finally pinpointed the baby oatmeal as the culprit (the only store-bought baby food we have used, go figure).

We are almost finished with the long process of turning our storage closet into Leo's bedroom. He seems pretty excited every time he goes in there, so I hope he enjoys sleeping in it!

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